The Hi-Fi's in Public since 1982
The Hi-Fi's play at Johnny & Melanie Teagle's Wedding, July 3, 1993, Akron, Ohio.

Denny Coyne, Chuck Keith & Tony Bray (Rich Roberts not shown)
Another photo of The Hi-Fi's playing at wedding reception, July 3, 1993, Akron, Ohio.

Chuck Keith, Tony Bray & Rich Roberts (just behind Tony, on drums). Inflatable Hot Dogs by Allen Bukoff.
Hi-Fi's Playing at EdgarFest, Beachland Ballroom, December 1, 2001, Cleveland, Ohio.

Denny Coyne, Rich Roberts & Chuck Keith (joined by Don Dixon and Marti Jones, not shown)
Another photo from the EdgarFest Bash at the Beachland Ballroom.

Charles Keith. Singer, Songwriter, Guitarist.
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